Sunday, October 31, 2010

Julie and Julia Blog/ Goodbye October

So Last post for the month. October 31 2010 I will never see you again, but you have been great. I have been watching my new favorite movie today Julie and Julia. It's about a writer that started a blog in 2002( I didn't even know about blogs in 2002) following her self assigned task of completing Julia Childs book Mastering the art of French cooking. I think it was like 500 so recipes and she wanted to use every recipe through the book in a year and she did it. So the movie was awesome! The Blog is pretty interesting too. So here is a link to the blog. I like reading it and following her as if I followed along in 2002. After a year and a half she stopped blogging on this blog, but I love technology because it is still there to find. Ooooooo Enjoy Julia Project Blog. And Peace out October!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Arts Market

Found this really cool website about Arts in America its called Arts market. org

Monday, October 25, 2010

Walking for Breast Cancer

Sunday was pretty cool. First I finished my new members Class for the Church I just joined. Family Worship and Praise Center. Oooooo Yea for me! (Smile) Oh Yeah church was pretty great too. Then later on that day I did a walk for breast cancer with my home girl and her basketball team. It was a pretty good Sunday

Me and my homie both joined not at the same time but because I missed all the classes last month we ended up in the same class. Sweet! It's nothing like have a friend along with you some times.
More jewelry from Jenelle!
It was a whole lot of people here. It was fun and inspiring.
I walked with the women's semi- pro team here in Tallahassee Tallahassee Lady Thunder.

This is after that long walk. I had a good time. Oh and I did make me some breast cancer earrings I will be wearing them next year

So I found out my homie was there. My Godson's mother. Nice Surprise. I had just had a great conversation with her the previous night. She didn't say anything about going lol but neither did I.
Oh and Veronique was there too another nice surprise.

Friday Night :4Q Gamenight!

Friday Night Lights at Gene Cox stadium. One of the biggest games of the season. Two Rivals Leon Lions vs. Lincoln Trojans. Leon has not beaten Lincoln in 12 years. This game was smoking hot! The stands were packed and I was there in my Gear. Lol or at least the outfit uniform I am trying to put together. I was kinda tired of being kinda blah on the side lines. So I just spiced it up a bit. Girls like football too and we like to look Fly so why not combined them. I am still working on it I will get it down by next year. Oh yeah Lincoln Won, but Leon was leading until a 1:15 in the 4th. Ummmm better luck next year lions. By the way I am Cougar and we whoop up on Columbia High School. GO COUGARS!!!!

In case you are wondering Of course I did not wear the hills while I was shooting. (smile ) just for the pics then I change in to my work boots. It can get muddy out there on the field.
Let's see I had on my 4Q earrings. I had on hand painted silver with black tips with on finger totally painted black with a lime green butterfly. On the other hand the opposite Black paint with silver tips with on finger painted all black. I had on a pink under shirt for breast cancer awareness month and the long sleeve shirt cause man the temperature is dropping at night now. Ummm or and a silver pink blend eye shadow.
This is after the game at Hungry Howies. This is when the staff gets together and eat and talk about all the games we went too. Basically just chilllin out. That's Djawa Our videographer is awesome.
Yep That's Mike our other videographer and Christina the other photographer for the night. It's Three of us but Andy was celebrating his little girl's Birthday. See ya next week Andy!
Yep and some newbies. Ahhhhhhh Fun Night I look forward to it every Friday.
If you want to check out some of what I do Click here and see more photos I shoot on Fridays click here

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Cupcake camp in Tallahassee. My friend who has a her own cupcake shop in Tallahassee( Bite of your Life) was apart of this wonderful event. Now I told here I saw something similar on Bakarella.
This event was a charity event for the Jessica June Children Cancer Foundation. Click here to read the story. It was cool it had all kinds of interesting cupcakes and they sold cupcake boxes for $5 and you can fill them up with what ever type of cupcake you like. They also had silent auctions. It was so nice. I am glad I had the chance to go. Thanks homie for telling me about it!!!

These are my homie's wonderful delicious cupcakes. Yummm

My lovely friend and great baker extraordinaire.
Guess you is coming to dinner cupcakes
green been casserole.

Minority Enterprise Deveopment

So all last week I attended this conference called Minority Enterprise Development, also cutely named "MED" Week. This Federal Agency promotes the growth of minority business. Click here to find out more about the agency and there might one in your town. Apparently from what I found out they hold a conference on week out of the year( If I am wrong just let me know)
This was like a conference for networking among Minority Business owners in Tallahassee, for the politicians to campaign a little, knowledge and information that would be helpful to just anyone who wanted to attend. It was interesting and very informative. I was unaware of this kind of it's impact in our community. I had a great time and learn a whole lot. So here is the link again so you can check it out. Hey get involved with your community they could doing some cool things that might concern you!

Some important people in Leon County.
This was the first event on Monday. They had a reception for anyone who wanted to come and that own a business. It was hosted by Pinnacle Construction Support Group. They are some good people. This was a networking gathering. My aunt was on of the presenters and gave a workshop the following day. Wow can I tell you I met so many people that had interesting businesses right here in town.
I had to rush home and change into something suitable for meeting important people of the great city of Tallahassee. Can I tell you by the end of the reception my feet hurt so bad . Thank God I had the Flats in the car. Marc did some great networking for 4quartersonline.
Ok Tuesday. Was great filled full of good information in all the workshops. My aunt was on of the presenters. She did quite well. She talked about obtaining and writing grants for your non-profit. She has her own non profit in the ATL.
There she is receiving her award.
Wednesday was the last day and they had a luncheon for networking and to end the conference.

I didn't get to stay for the Keynote speaker who I heard was awesome. Ahhhhhhh maybe I will find her online.
End to a great conference maybe I can get more involved next time. Whoop Whoop 2011 !

Monday, October 18, 2010

FAMU vs. Savannah State

So yes we won Finally, but Savannah State is like 0-6 well now 0-7. I heard they have lost in close games too, so it's not like they are a sorry team or anything, but I think they are New to the MEAC and the teams we need to beat we lost badly too soooo I m not sure how I feel about this win. Also BCC, my bad BCU( Bethune Cookman University) is whoop up on teams this year. The Orlando classic should be interesting. I still had a good time. Oh yeah I finally finished my hair after like 3 days of working on it.

I love my school and support HBCUs ( we need to stick together) Oh yeah shout out to local talent on Savannah State. There Quarterback is from the area and he played well.
I have to get some more FAMU shirts for Homecoming. For some reason this is the only one I have and I got it last year Homecoming. I need to do better. sigh

Friday, October 15, 2010

I love my hair

So my co-worker sent this to me I love this. I hope you enjoy!
Click here to view this video on you tube

Things I Needed to Know

I was reading the weekly wisdom from Christ notes today and thought I would share. Oooooo I hope you have a good one!

Weekly Wisdoms for the week of October 11, 2010

The dreams of your future have no room for the devastation's of your past.

When Aaron, the brother of Moses, died, the entire house of Israel mourned for him thirty days (Numbers 20:29). However, after those thirty days, the time of mourning was over, and the Israelites had to move on with life.

There is a great lesson in this: you must push beyond the past in order to enter the future -- a future filled with great things God has planned for you. The Apostle Paul knew this, which is why he wrote, One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14).

You may have great dreams for your future, but if you fill your future with junk from your past, then you'll never fulfill your dreams. Therefore, like the Israelites, after a certain period of time, you must decide to forget what is behind and press on toward the things that are ahead.

The storms of life won't harm you if you have deep roots in God.

In Matthew 13:3-6, Jesus told this parable: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root." One point Jesus makes in this parable is that people without deep roots in God will fall away from faith whenever persecution or trials come on account of the word (see Matthew 13:20-21).

Similarly, Jesus encourages his followers to build their house (i.e. their life) on "the rock" (see Matthew 7:24-27). Even though the wind and storms beat against that house, it did not crumble because it was founded on the rock. If you have deep roots in God, your life will be built on the Rock—Christ. As one hymn says, "On Christ alone I stand, all else is sinking sand."

It is no surprise, then, that Paul encourages believers to be rooted and built up in Christ, strengthened in the faith (Colossians 2:6-7). If you are strengthened in faith, then you won't crack under the pressure of difficult situations because you will be able to dig deeply into the word of God on which you are firmly grounded. Unfortunately, too many Christians have a cracked foundation.

Make it a priority to have deep roots in God so that you will not wither under the heat of life. Invest time into reading and memorizing God's word, praying, and communing with God. Be rooted in God.

Here is a video I love watching and hearing: it's total praise. Click here to there page and here to find the video on You Tube

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pushing Through

For the past week I have been in a funky mood. It hasn't been continuous, but no the less it's there. I have been hearing lately, in bible study and on TV that we need to change our thinking and our words are very powerful. I guess like that scripture, Life and Death lies in the power of the tongue. I have been actively trying each day to push out bad thoughts and replace them with good ones or scriptures. Ummm I have to say I am half and half here, but feel as if I am making some progress, I think. Despite how I feel I have been attempting to do the following (If you want help from God you have to do your part too):

1. Smile - Even when I don't feel like it and my insides are wanting to keep frowning. I fight it! If some one is talking to me or addresses me I smile. I have to say this one is easier said then done.

2. Pray- I have to be honest sometimes I just don't feel like it and sometimes I just really don't think that it is working. Ahhhhhhh, the thing is that I know prayer works, I have seen it and experiences it, so guess what, I have no excuse not to pray, so I am relentless. Just because I don't feel like it doesn't mean I shouldn't do it. Sometimes I don't feel like eating but i know I need to.

3. Take Advice- I am stubborn, but since I have been actively seeking God this part has become a lot easier. I say " Hey Janine, don't take offense they are only trying to help." Rack in what you need, Pitch out what you don't. That is what my College Speech Professor use to always say.

4. Chill out- Do something I like that has nothing to do with anything or a project or work. Yes I notice this is how I relax. Sewing something complicated, it relaxes me. Cooking something exotic, it relaxes me. Baking something hard, it relaxes me. Looking at the stars and the moon, it relaxes me.

5. Have a good attitude- Ummmmm another issue. When things are not going well for me I tend to get a bad attitude and want to take it out on some un suspecting someone ( yeah I know totally uncool) So now I have just been helping people. The worse I feel the more I help others. ( It's been working) I have even started to keep the bad thoughts from coming out of my mouth. Now if I can just keep the bad thoughts from reoccurring in my head. ( NEXT BATTLE)

6. Emotions in Check- I have been Checking myself and making sure I don't make any decisions off of my emotions. Hey I realized how dangerous that is. So yes I have been recognizing the emotion and ( check this out) Choosing weather I am going to continue to feel like that. I Know I feel like that but I don't have to continue. I am just figuring this out. But like before it is easier said then done. So ummmmm Working progress....

7. Read my Bible- Yes, reading my bible is hard when you in a funky mood, but that is the time you need to do it. Sigh. Well when I decide to do it always gives me some peace. Yes the issues are still there but hey I can deal with them with a clear head. Words are powerful.

Well I feel like I have been rambling, but here are some of the small things that have been pushing me through.

Scripture : Isaiah 40:28-31
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew [7] their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Song of Inspirations: Let the Lord Minister to you
We use to sing it in our collegiate choir, I understood it before but I really get it now.
I had never heard it before then but have never forgotten since then, THANKS FRAN!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Natural Beauty

Yes I had to get a picture of this, nature is amazing.
I saw this morning and Had to stop because I thought it was beautiful. Ahhhhhh

Three Days +Three Hairstyles=Every Weekend

It seems like every weekend I am rocking like 3 styles. A different on Friday Saturday and Sunday. This weekend is no different. I guess I am trying to figure out what to do with this hair. Well as you saw in the previous post, I had the blow out.... so let the hair style rain begin...

My mom and I went to get Pedicures on Saturday... I love getting them now, it's all her and my sister's fault
Bantu knots or chicken poo poos as we call them in Liberia ( at least that's what my family tells me)
Off to church. So I went to sleep the night before with out doing my hair soooo I didn't really know what to do in the morning. So I just did the knots in the front and picked out the back the best I could.

So my homie is rocking her fresh doo. She always looks fly.
My Best friend is rocking her Bantu knot out. It always looks good on her.